shabby blog

Sunday, June 17, 2012

Fathers Day 2012

Happy Fathers Day to my awesome dad and to my wonderful husband!
Brooks is one lucky kiddo to be Trip's son! 
Seriously, Brooks you got a good one buddy, 
One of my favorite things is to watch Trip love Brooks,
and I can't wait to see their relationship grow as he gets older,
there is something unique on Brooks face when his dad walks in that door,
there's just something about dads,
they have so much impact and influence on their children
I came across this great Fathers Day post from a Young Life blog that I just have to share,
It relates parenting and being a Young Life leader which is right up my ally!

"God's desire for parenthood is sanctification-making us more mature, wise, and loving. Parenthood, at its best, drives us to great surrender and dependency on God and uncovers the unique image of God we all bear." -from "Becoming A Dad" by Stephen James and David Thomas 

"Nat and I have a 2 yr old daughter and a 3 week old son. The lack of sleep over the past few weeks has been grueling. Why didn't God make parenting easier? The passage above offered some much needed encouragement. I've often thought being a parent is all about what I can offer my children and the reality that they need me. The same is quite true when it comes to being a Young Life leader. I'm a leader because those kids need me, right?God's hasn't called us to be Young Life leaders because He needs us to reach kids.  His desire for us is sanctification and intimacy with Him. Being a Young Life leader drives us to great surrender and dependency on our Heavenly Father. In that journey of waving our white flag, He unveils His unique image within each of us, the image of a Father and a Son. May we daily remember that both parenting and leading Young Life are not so much about God using us, as God loving usAs we pursue our 'kids,' may we be reminded and convinced that we are His kids. And that's why we're Young Life leaders."


Monday, June 11, 2012

Meet Piper

We have a new family member,
we found her at the Atlanta Humane Society,
she is a 2 month old chocolate lab puppy,
we intended on going to look for a mix breed mutt that was older
but when we saw this precious little pure bred chocolate lab we couldn't resist!
A chocolate lab for $150 is a pretty sweet deal,
we are so excited to watch her grow up with Brooks,
we're in for a lot of work with a new puppy but we are excited to do it!
Brooks is loving it,
this morning when Trip got him out of his crib, the first thing he said was "woof woof",
then he went strait to Piper's crate to let her out,
so cute!

 watching Piper eat her breakfast

"oh Piper you tickle me!"

 having a new puppy is exhausting!

kiss kiss

Friday, June 1, 2012

15 month stats

A few weeks overdue but here are Brooks 15 month doctor appointment stats for my record,
Head- still has a big head-  47 cm (75-85%), he's a genius
Height- 31 inch, 50%, woohoo average!
Weight- 25 lbs, 50 %, woohoo average!
waiting at the doctors office

He loves walking everywhere and being outside,
loves Elmo,
loves Curious George,
loves Bernie,
loves watermelon,
loves cheese,
loves milk,
loves playing with cousins and other kids,
loves balls!!!!!!!
sleeps 7:30pm- 7:00am usually
loves books,
loves baths,
loves goldfish,
loves raisins,
loves to throw things,
loves to bring things to you,
loves to wave at people (even when they aren't looking)
loves the childcare at LA fitness!
loves Wuamba Land
loves to dance!

being changed,
having his nose wiped,
sitting in his car seat for very long,
loud noises,

Words- "mama", "dada", "ball", "no", "owe"

We are definitely entering the tantrum stage, he is quick to lose his cool if he doesn't get his way,
but we love him still to pieces!