shabby blog

Wednesday, September 28, 2011

A few of my favorite things

Here are a few of my favorite things that I have found to make life so much easier since the little man came into our world..............
 The ultimate crib sheet! 
I have two of them and they are INCREDIBLE. Changing regular crib sheets is such a pain in the rump with those bumpers and these just make life so much easier, snap them on and off, and they are waterproof!
My bob stroller, it's been everywhere with us!

Muslin burpy bibs! Lots of coverage for those messy eaters and so cute!
Brooks has loved his swing, it's a beautiful thing!

And he still loves his zoo play-mat, we always take it when we go out of town. Definitely gotten our money's worth out of this one.
  And my baby bible, Baby Wise has been a fantastic resource for me, and I swear it works getting your baby sleeping (at least for this little man)

And we love our video monitor given to us by my classroom parents last year! 

Sunday, September 25, 2011

Staff Kid

An old Young Life staff kid is writing a book on advice and insight on raising your kids in Young Life, I am very intrigued by this! I often wonder what our childrens life will be like being raised in Young Life. I know that there will be so many blessings found but I also know that there will be hard aspects about it as well. I pray that our kids will see more of the blessings! I pray they are able to come alongside us and become excited about the ministry. I pray Trip and I will have the discernment to know how to raise our kiddos in this crazy life. Here is a post about this book.

The Life Of A Staff Kid

A Guest Post from Curtis Chesney
All that I have ever known is
the life of a Young Life staff kid.

On August 19th, 1969, my Dad walked out of club and surrendered his life to Christ under a starry Colorado sky. Thus began his love affair with Christ and his relationship with Young Life. Twenty-one years later, to the day, I was born. Today, my father still walks with the Lord…and still loves Young Life.

My childhood was unique. I spent a month of every summer at a Young Life camp, playing Frisbee golf and listening to my Dad speak at club every night. During the school year, I would sit in on leaders’ meetings, play basketball in our driveway with campaigner kids, and show off my “stupid human tricks” each year at All Area Club. I felt like a hero.

Because my parents stayed in the same community for several decades, I was surrounded by a closely knit Young Life family throughout my childhood. To call this a blessing is an understatement.

Along with the unique blessings came unique challenges. When your parents care so well for so many people, it is natural to feel overlooked on occasion. And when you grow accustomed to people treating you special because of your last name, it can be difficult to shape an identity around your first name. A community of love and attention can sometimes feel like a boiling pot of expectation and pressure. What starts as a crutch can turn into a handicap.

Some of you out there are familiar with these thoughts, because you also were raised as Young Life staff kids. Whoever you are out there, I want to hear from you! I am compiling a book of childhood reflections from grown up staff kids. You can read more about the vision at

I am passionate about this project, because I believe this book has the potential to bless Young Life families for years to come. Young Life staff parents need help raising kids in such a unique environment. Adolescent staff kids need to hear from someone who has walked in their shoes.

You can help me make this vision a reality. Please pass along word of this project to any staff kid that you know, and encourage them to participate.

Below are a few soundbites taken from some of the responses that have already been received. You can read more responses here. 

We were marinated in the Gospel. My fondest memories of my childhood are ones when I was sitting in the back of our basement family room, watching club, listening to my dad paint the picture of Jesus Christ.

I deeply respected both my parents and they did ministry together. My Dad remains my hero in the faith even though he's no longer alive. My Dad always took time to take me out to dinner alone.

It was often times hard, as someone who is a quality time person, to have my dad run out the door as I was getting home from school to go do contact work or to a leaders meeting or club or meet a donor.

Monday, September 19, 2011

Fall in the Mountains

 Trip was out of town this weekend so I headed up to the mountains with the fam! The weather could not have been any better! I love the fall! Little man is 7 months now!

Uncle Andrew carried Brooks on our hike

Lanier hiking in her pj's and white keds

and Chappell hiking on daddy's back, also in her pj's

Chappell and Brooks watching some football

Brooks and Uncle Andrew watching football

dad at war with the bee

 loving the hammock

bathing in the kitchen sink, amused by uncle Adam

making yummy yummy pizzas

so tasty!

Wednesday, September 14, 2011

Zephaniah 3:17

"The Lord your God is with you, he is mighty to save
He will take great delight in you
He will quiet you with his love
He will rejoice over you with singing"

The part that sticks out to me in this verse during this stage of my life is, He will take great delight in you. Being Brooks' mom has given me a new perspective on this delight that the Lord has in me, because I have such great delight in Brooks. He doesn't have to do a thing, and I just sit and admire him and love him. He makes me smile so much for no reason, he is...... delightful (most of the time)! And to get a glimpse of this gives me such reassurance and joy to know that the Lord feels the same for me. I can truly rest in that and know that just being me is enough for the Lord to love me and delight in me. There is nothing more that I can do to change that and I am so very thankful. These words are very comforting to me being the people pleaser that I am.
Just being me is enough....... and Brooks just being Brooks is enough.

Tuesday, September 13, 2011

A Milestone

The last couple of weeks the little man has started to sit up on his own, still a little wobbly but almost there! I am trying to enjoy every day and not wish any time away. I know one day I will think back on this time with just me and Brooks and long for it, and i'm sure I'll wonder what I ever did with all this time! I substitute taught at school a couple weeks ago for a whole week and got a taste of the working mommy world. It was fun being back at school but I am so thankful I get to stay home with Brooks. I can't imagine missing so many hours of so many days with him! I told my mom it just doesn't feel right. I might miss milestones like this.....

playgroup, getting 8 babies situated for a picture is quite a task

Wednesday, September 7, 2011


Brooks and I went for a walk this afternoon which was AWESOME in this cooler weather! I was strolling along, looking ahead, and after a few minutes I looked down and saw this little face through the stroller.......

heart melt! doesn't get much better than this
and he just kept staring up at me the rest of the way, I'll have to remember this when he's a teenager!

And I gave him a sippy cup for the first time this morning.... we're not quite there yet.

Saturday, September 3, 2011

Football Season

Football season has finally arrived and the Dosters are very excited! How many babies around the southeast do you think are wearing their college team gear right now? A LOT, and we are joining the statistic! 
I really do LOVE this time of year! I'm so glad Trip has a boy to share his passion with! Brooks has been in his jersey and silver britches ALL weekend! Thank you Uncle Andrew and Aunt Sarah for the awesome apparel.

tired bulldawg

and Brooks went to his first highschool football game for some contact work last night, here is a tip to all you Younglife leaders, get a baby (or a puppy) and highschool kids will flock to you! 
This look pretty much sums up his over stimulation last night. I'm sure other moms looked at me like I was crazy to have my baby up until 10:00 in a noisy stadium. But he was happy as a clam!