shabby blog

Saturday, June 4, 2011


Well tomorrow Trip is taking a group of highschool kids to Frontier Ranch for the week. This is my first time not going as a leader.
It's strange not being a part of their week. Although I wouldn't change a thing about my new life as a mom, I will miss the special blessing of walking through a week of Young Life camp with highschool girls. I told Trip tonight at dinner that what I will miss most is watching the kids experience every part of the week for the first time. I'll miss watching their faces change from the time they get off the bus Sunday afternoon to the night that never ends on Wednesday night and then after "say so" on Saturday night.
Trip talked with a dad of one of the girls going today and he is very concerned and is pleading for prayers because his daughter doesn't want to go on the trip.  She doesn't have many friends going and obviously she has no idea what's about to hit her. I so badly wish I could watch her experience the week. I know for certain she will walk away with no regrets about going to Frontier.
I know she will walk away having an experience she's never had before.
I know she will walk away wondering why she ever doubted her decision to go.
I know she will walk away having such a clear picture of God's love story to her.
I can't wait until Trip gets home and I get to hear the stories of changed lives. Although I will not miss hiking up to the repel tower and repelling down the side of the mountain with my unbeatable fear of heights, or the nasty bathroom floor after 12 girls have showered or trying to clean a cabin after a week of girls living together in complete mess with everything thrown everywhere, it's all undeniably worth while when you hear a kid stand up at club and say they've come home to their heavenly father.

But...... I am thrilled to stay home with this little man.
And we will pray for daddy as he is where I believe to be, holy ground, at Frontier Ranch.

perhaps he is going to be an astronaut one day.......

chillin in the crib before bed

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