shabby blog

Wednesday, May 30, 2012


This past Sunday,
all across the country,
buses of high school kids rolled into Young Life camps to begin summer,

as I was reading a blog of a staff spouse on assignment at Crooked Creek,
I couldn't help but get a lump in my throat and a little teary eyed,
this summer will be my first summer in 10 years not going to YL camp.
Trip will take kids to Frontier for a week,
but these days assignments are my ticket to summer camp,
and we don't have one this summer.
While it's nice to have a slower summer,
I am sad,
sad that I don't get to witness the miracle of camp,
it is truly a miracle,
all the volunteers and staff it takes to pull off a session of camp is remarkable,
the work that goes into it all will blow you away,
and there is no way it can be done without Christ,
my memories of summer staff and work crew are so sweet,
the hard and exhaustion of it all seems to leave my memory,
and the moments of God's incredible love remain,
and that's what I still treasure,
the ability to be the hands and feet and to witness the fruits of your labor week after week,
it can't be matched,
to have a front row seat,
at watching kids experience the radical love of Christ,
nothing sweeter my friends,
nothing sweeter,
nothing more life giving,
and so I will sit and pray and know that tonight is the night that never ends at camp week 1,
and tomorrow kids get to hear about redemption on the cross.
There is so much more I want to say, but will save it for another day.
Thank you God for another summer of using Young Life as a platform to bring lost teenagers to your feet.


  1. What a sweet post on the joy of YL camp! I so miss those summers as well!

  2. mmm the best. . . sad for you (and for me) that camp is not on the schedule for summer. joining you in praying for all the kids.
