Well, here we are in December. I have thought a lot about this blog but haven't put my thoughts down in a while.
I don't want too much time to pass without writing down some thoughts of this season of life and parenting our little people.
I know there are so many things I will forget if I never write them down.
I am 33 weeks pregnant.
This feeling feels so familiar after already having a January and a February baby.
I feel like I have been pregnant a lot during the holiday season.
The anticipation is exciting!
Just like Christmas!
I love this season so much.
When I think of Christmas, I like to think of hope.
The hope of the birth of Christ is what I treasure most.
I can't imagine walking through this world without hope.
Without the hope of eternity in heaven.
Without the hope of a God who cares for me regardless of what I do.
Without the hope of a God who is perfect and sovereign.
Without the hope of a perfect God who holds me and my family in the palm of his hand.
Without the hope of a God who gives me reason.
Lately I have felt drained from this parenting gig.
It's hard.
It's the best thing in the world.
but it's self sacrificing every day.
It's good for me, to be in a place of dependence on God and a place that requires me to give up my own agenda EVERY DAY.
I think that's why I treasure this hope found in the birth of Christ at Christmas time.
It helps me get through the day.
It gives me a greater purpose amidst the mundane.
How on earth do you walk through this life without it…..
I just don't know.
And while Ford is at a hard age, with tantrums and lack of communication skills and unable to sit and do anything for a period of time, and taking him anywhere feels like mission impossible,
I still find so much joy in being his mom.
Although being at home with them every day is very hard some days.
I still wouldn't have it any other way.
I still love that Brooks tells me that he loves when I pick him up from school and that he loves spending the day with me.
It makes it all worth while.
And when Ford wants to crawl up in my lap and have me read him the same book over and over,
I am thankful that I am here, with him, and I can have the time to do it.
And they are just so cute, I mean, thank goodness God created them so stinkin' cute, it's a redeeming quality that is much needed some days!
It's been really fun to watch Brooks and Ford start playing together.
Brooks LOVES it when Ford is around, he asks me all the time to wake him up from his nap so that they can play.
So far he is a really great big brother, he is usually really sweet with him and wants him around.
I hope they will always be able to enjoy each other.
Ford follows him everywhere and copies everything he does.
It will be fun to watch this relationship grow as Ford gets older and is able to communicate more with him.
And Brooks is so into Christmas, everything about it. It is SO FUN!!!!
I want to freeze his joy and excitement and innocence and belief, it's the best!!
I can't wait for Christmas morning.
decorating the tree |
Snow in Highlands over Thanksgiving |
Ford kept saying "cold, cold" |
Just to make a note to remember these days:
Ford is almost 2 and really into cars, and trains, and Brooks!
He isn't too picky yet.
He loves his lovie blankets but when he says it he sounds like he is saying his "fluffy".
He sucks on them when he is tired and it soothes him to sleep, I love it!
He is a great sleeper, usually enjoys going "nigh nigh".
He is hot or cold, either really upset and throwing a tantrum or so so happy with mouth wide open.
He enjoys saying "hi" to people and usually doesn't mind being left at church or the gym or with sitters.
He loves being read to.
Brooks is nearing 4 years old.
He is so fun, he is so sweet and very much a pleaser,
he wants to do right and hates to get in trouble.
His teachers say he is always eager to participate and follow instructions.
He loves being around friends and cousins. He gets so excited when we meet others for playdates or when he sees other kids in the neighborhood.
He is sensitive.
he is so picky with food!!
He is cautious.
Loves spider man and other super heroes!
Loves the dawgs and went to two georiga games this season (his first two).
He loves playing with his dad and has been to every Young Life club on monday nights this semester.
He seems to love being home, perhaps a bit of a homebody, he loves school when he goes and is always happy when I pick him up but sometimes gets upset to leave the house in the morning.
I love discovering who God has created in these two boys! They are different for sure, can't wait to see what baby #3 is!!!!
Brooks keeps saying it's a girl.
We are prepared for another boy :)