shabby blog

Sunday, January 15, 2012

It's a..................

No no no, I am not talking about me and Trip. I am not pregnant!
We found out the gender of Andrew and Sarah's twins tonight.
They had everyone over for dinner and cake pops!
The cake pops had the gender revealed inside, blue or pink.
Here are some photos to capture the moment!
Andrew was a little nervous before the revealing

a little sweat action going on

wait for it......

wait for it.......

wait for it......

it's blue! The cake is blue! 2 boys! Andrew and Daniel part II

can you tell Andrew wanted boys?


but everyone else still had to eat their cake pops to make sure there weren't some pink ones hidden in there!

still no pink cake pops, still 2 boys!

It's official people, Brooks has two more boy cousins to play with! woohoo

Andrew is going to make a great boy twin dad :)

And Sarah will be a great boy mom!

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