shabby blog

Thursday, September 6, 2012

In A Martha's World

Recently we had a busy week,
Trip and I had all our YL leaders to my parents mountain house for a leader weekend,
then we went strait from there to Sharptop for a Staff Retreat for a few days,
then we came home for a day and then went up to Highlands for the long weekend.
Brooks had a week strait of constant entertainment, lots of people to play with,
and it was awesome,
now back to boring old mom.
During our leader weekend I had a little nudge from the Lord,
you see I did all the grocery shopping and cooking for the weekend,
it was about 25 people for 4 meals,
it's such a fun weekend,
and I love to serve in this way,
but it is a lot,
I'm not going to pretend like I don't stress a little over it,
but I also come from a place of sincere desire to serve this way,
I am not a volunteer leader anymore and it's one small way I feel like I can contribute and give some thanks to all the leaders and give them a nice weekend away with home cooked meals,
Saturday afternoon (after a week of stitches for a toddler and me with the stomach bug for the 2nd time while being pregnant) I had a little internal melt down moment,
I just got tired and my pizza dough that I made wasn't cooperating,
And I just wanted to cry,
my heart was far from gracious and servant like,
I became my icky self.
And I went back to my room for a minute and had a little come to Jesus meeting,
I realized then and there, I had spent 0 time with Jesus,
I was completely reliant on myself,
on my own efforts,
and then I was brought back to the old story At the Home of Mary and Martha
Jesus came to a village where a woman named Martha opened her home to him, 
She had a sister called Mary, who sat at the Lord's feet while listening to what he said. 
But Martha was distracted by all the preparations that had to be made. 
She came to him and asked, 
" Lord don't you care that my sister has left me to do the work by myself? Tell her to help me!" 
"Martha Martha",  the Lord answered 
"you are worried and upset about many things, but few things are needed- 
or indeed only one. 
Mary has chosen what is better, 
and it will not be taken away from her."
Man, I wonder if I would be a Martha if Jesus were coming over to my house for dinner,
I would want the house clean,
toys put away,
the kitchen in order,
the food just right,
I wonder if I would miss out on the one thing,
listening to Jesus.
Although my intentions may be in a good place,
without Christ,
my ugly self comes out.
just ask my husband.
I was reminded again of this at Sharptop just a day later when former Young Life president, Bob Mitchell  spoke and challenged YL staff to listen to Jesus more instead of always doing.
I hope in the future I can choose what is better.

photo updates

his cousins dressed him up, not so sure about it

this girls taught him to do this little move, while saying "peace"

first day of MMO with stitches on his cheek


Superman taking care of business while leaders are meeting

homemade pizzas

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